Here is a slideshow featuring several views of Holy Trinity, and the area around us - mostly taken from the top of our spire when it was being repaired last year.
They give a fair indication of what the church looks like, but what is missing is the people.
It is the people who make Holy Trinity what it is.
What you are seeing is the beautiful legacy of those who went before us. They were very different to us, but the spirit lives on.
As for the rest of the photos - you can see the enormous development has has taken place in Roehampton over the past fifty years. The tower blocks and the low rise mass housing date from the nineteen fifties and sixties.The other buildings represent the old village of two or three hundred homes all built in the decades before the first world war.
Roehampton now has a population of between fifteen and eighteen thousand - no one really knows because of the massive flux of migration through the parish. In some parts we have a turnover of nearly 30% per year.